Coastal-Comfortable-Living-Room-2-of-5Our Home is An Open Book // Restless Arrow Orange Strawberry Limeade // This Wild Season

galler2Our Simple Gallery Wall // This Mamas Dance

botanicalprint1-e1426886152494DIY Botanical Hanging Print // Magnolia Homes

wovennegative space wall hanging// a beautiful mess

panic-attacks-vs-peacePanic Attacks or Peace // Susie Davis

11058444_10155371053785046_2180473530122680190_o-600x600Here We Are Again // Sarah Bessey

What-will-you-leave-behind-4What Will You Leave Behind? // Anna Versaci

That song from the Delta commercial that you can’t get out of your head.


cozy minimalist

The Cozy Minimalist Class closes Monday at 6pm EST, we’ve got a private facebook group, weekly webinars, simple weekly assignments and photo sharing so we can get specific advice from each other! If you are living in an overwhelmed house but underwhelmed with your options to change it–this course is for you!

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 11.18.28 AMToday’s Weekend links are brought to you by my sweet friend Dee and her Red Letter Words Art. Thanks Dee!